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Old 02-03-2019, 07:56 PM   #139 (permalink)
home of the odd vehicles
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Hybrid sales peaked at 500,000 units in 2013

It has been downhill with fragmentation and upmarket pricing since then.

Including Hybridized vehicles in the green washed “high end” markets is somewhat unfair to include in with the people mover hybrid category.

Further including a large number of sub 5000 unit yearly model sales into the metric shows the compliance nature taking root.

In 2013 which remains the peak sales hev year had around 60% affordable hybrids in the mix and very high end units were rare.

In 2016 only about 45% of hybrids sold are affordable with many low volume high cost units in the mix.

So The 22mpg high cost hybrids are not really sold for fuel economy and skew the metric in a deceiving direction

I would argue strongly a 500,000 annual sales market with only 5 models is much healthier and affordable than a 450,000 annual sales market with 22 models
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