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Old 02-04-2019, 11:15 AM   #4806 (permalink)
All Darc
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American healthcare...
Doctors think they all deserve to be millionaires... Healthcare it's a luxury, treatments, blood tests, radiologic tests, drugs, all with the price on the sky. Probably this field have a lot of politician in their pockets... that's why all services cost a absurd...
It's like pay 25 bucks for a hot dog on street...

Why people who take care of health should pay for people who don't give a damn about health?
People who smoke and drink a lot and eat like pigs... They vastly increase expenses of healthcare system and healthcare plans.
Andf you propose to charge more for don't care about health lifestyle and charge less for who take care of their own health, the leftwing will call you a nazi. They advacate for the right of people use cocain and crack on street in daylight or even in front of your house or bussiness, and want you to pay for healthcare of the heavy drug user.

In a documentary I remamber about a hospital with advanced center for burn victms. Some treatment for burn victms with advanced burns could cost more than 1 million dollars. If a drug dealer who produced melt crystal in home lab had a lab-fire and extensive burns, they were forced to treat the drug dealer. And in many cases the drug dealer after the all the treatment returned to the drug bussiness.
In other words, they spent 1000.000 to put a drug producer&dealer back to "work".

Originally Posted by redpoint5 View Post
US healthcare has the worst aspects of both free markets and socialism. The most expensive place to be seen is the emergency room, yet our laws say that anyone visiting an ER cannot be turned away. That means everyone without health insurance visits the ER for minor things. Something like 5% of ER visits are appropriate for the ER.

We don't have enough skin in the game. We want insurance to pay 100% of everything. Insurance is meant to keep you from lifelong financial ruin, not to cover a $200 office visit for the sniffles. Every visit should carry a copay requirement so that people have some skin in the game. There should be incentives to shop for healthcare too. In the US, you literally can't get a quote for anything health related. I've spoken to the billing dept of clinics to ask how much a standard office visit with a doctor is, and they couldn't tell me, and they couldn't even tell me what the average cost is.

Finally, why is insurance tied to a particular employer? My health insurance has absolutely nothing to do with the business I work for. It should be illegal for health insurance to be part of a "benefits" package. The benefit should be that they pay for the work I do, and it's up to me to find health insurance appropriate to me as an individual. Group insurance is insane because we aren't groups, we're individuals.

The US healthcare system should be burned to the ground. Absolutely anything would be better than the system we have.

Obamacare wasn't a disaster because it did too much, it was a disaster because it didn't do enough. My wife's catastrophic coverage went from $200/mo (which is still too much for a healthy young woman), to $400. It doubled in cost and provided no extra benefit to us. It doesn't matter that previously uninsured people got "free" healthcare. Those idiots were going to the ER before they had insurance, and they continued to visit the ER after they got insurance (actually they increased their use of the ER).