Originally Posted by oil pan 4
I never said that the climate does not change.
So you tell me the weather isn't climate but then post an article about the weather and claim it's climate?
Weather is climate when it's hot weather.
Still no one has any idea how to get just the believers to pay to fix climate change?
If not then the top down nuclear option is the way to go.
If you can't convince your own believers to pay for it then you have nothing. You got a bunch of people who say they care, but when they need to open their wallets they are suddenly on my side. That tells you all you need to know about your fake poser filled movement.
I am saying that the RECORD heat wave in Australia is happening at the same time as the polar vortex breaking down. These taken along with the rest of the world, and the climate pattern is being confirmed.
And again, you are referring to a single flawed survey to make your argument.
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