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Old 02-05-2019, 09:21 AM   #65 (permalink)
All Darc
Join Date: Feb 2018
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Well, she is a woman, and so she can blame all man, call whatever adjective she wanted, get crazy, and the man can't do anything otherwise will be called a sexist bigot.
And pay less ensurance for cars.

Feminist say they can do anything a man can do, but are demanding a Formula-1 race just for females.

Had you sister exploded more toilets than you in High School ???

Originally Posted by redpoint5 View Post
Not even that All Darc. She's just an exceptionally bad driver with poor motor coordination. She drifted over the center line on a straight road for no reason, sharply over-corrected into the soft shoulder, then way too sharply corrected toward the road but had put the car into a slide into the ditch.

She also rear ended a car once and blamed the accident on the guy taking longer than she anticipated to make his right turn, which he signaled for.

I've had my share of accidents and close calls, but none just driving normally. If I'm going to wreck, it's because I'm pushing the capabilities of the vehicle. I simply don't understand the concept of getting in a wreck when you were just normal driving somewhere.
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