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Old 02-08-2019, 09:22 PM   #74 (permalink)
It's all about Diesel
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Originally Posted by JSH View Post
I expect 48v system to become standard equipment shortly.
It does surprise me that 24-volt system usually fitted to trucks was seemingly never even tried in a car (assumig that trucks and SUVs don't count as a car), so even though the 48-volt is in fact promising sometimes it sounds like jumping a few steps.

The difference is that with 48v you can run the A/C while the engine is off. It makes stop/start technology much more effective. Lower weight is another andvantage as is smaller diameter wires.
It's not actually impossible to run the A/C with 12-volt or 24-volt, there are even some aftermarket all-electric A/C kits originally meant for big rigs.
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