Sympathy for those that are hostile towards you? No, it's more like an understanding that I'm made of the same stuff everyone else is made of, and tempted by many of the same destructive things.
Human nature has served the species well up to this point, as it has allowed it to proliferate. I'm not justifying giving in to human nature, but merely pointing out that it has served a purpose, and that purpose has done great things. It's not the instincts themselves that are bad; it's more like unrestrained and unconsidered instincts are bad.
Your uncle Jordan talks about this constantly. Nazis weren't some sub-species of human that sprang up out of nowhere. They were you and me in an environment that grew hatred. "We have met the enemy and he is us". You and I might have a bit more understanding and restraint of the savages within, but nonetheless, the savage exists.