02-08-2019, 11:11 PM
#181 (permalink)
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We're all given to want things that are destructive to our wellbeing to various degrees, and concerning a variety of things. It's not just crazy feminists, it humans.
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02-08-2019, 11:27 PM
#182 (permalink)
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Attractive... how, if people in most cases are bull sh...t piece with chocolate shell outside?
Only if you saw women as just object of pleasure.
Well, my values are very different.
By the way nI didn't direct reject her, since I don't even know who is she, as was her friend who appouched me to give me a piece of paper with her friend's phone number, demanding me to phone her.
I imagine what such tras-h sh...it ignorant evil people here (my city) would had done if I had direct refused her face to face. A women could say f-uck off to a man that gone after her, and noone would turn against her of do evil gossip. But women thinks man should be on knees in front of the holly magesty imperial puz-zy.
Originally Posted by redpoint5
Well, men and women are different generally speaking. Women actually choose men first by signs of availability and interest, but require men to take the first risk of rejection.
Rejecting women is the worst because isn't common for them to be courageous enough to be straightforward in their interest, and as a man, I'm not naturally programmed to reject attractive offers.
02-08-2019, 11:31 PM
#183 (permalink)
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Hey, now you are not talking like the Redpoint fan of uncle Jordan from other theads...
Maybe it's because you have sympath for people who think as the ones who got hostile towards me. Maybe because you in the depth of your mind thinks a bit like them (sub-consciousness).
Anyway I said and I repeat : I don't approve human nature even a little bit. Human nature it's uggly and destructive.
Originally Posted by redpoint5
We're all given to want things that are destructive to our wellbeing to various degrees, and concerning a variety of things. It's not just crazy feminists, it humans.
02-09-2019, 12:22 AM
#184 (permalink)
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Sympathy for those that are hostile towards you? No, it's more like an understanding that I'm made of the same stuff everyone else is made of, and tempted by many of the same destructive things.
Human nature has served the species well up to this point, as it has allowed it to proliferate. I'm not justifying giving in to human nature, but merely pointing out that it has served a purpose, and that purpose has done great things. It's not the instincts themselves that are bad; it's more like unrestrained and unconsidered instincts are bad.
Your uncle Jordan talks about this constantly. Nazis weren't some sub-species of human that sprang up out of nowhere. They were you and me in an environment that grew hatred. "We have met the enemy and he is us". You and I might have a bit more understanding and restraint of the savages within, but nonetheless, the savage exists.
02-09-2019, 12:43 AM
#185 (permalink)
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...but perhaps AllDarc is exceptionally attractive.
Just relax and take it as a compliment.
Anyway I said and I repeat : I don't approve human nature even a little bit. Human nature it's uggly and destructive.
Well, sucks to be you, I guess. Although there's always someone who has it worse.
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02-09-2019, 10:50 AM
#186 (permalink)
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Human instincts always moved human away from rationality That's why the world civilizations still behave like jungle tribes fighting.
Human have capability to be rational, but chose to think like a freak animal, or like a freak condictioning ignorant.
And don't came with the excuse like "We are all humans, humans have faults. Such culture I described it's a disgrace, and such disgrace is passed generation by generation, and people who refuse such disgrace are not well saw. And even the people who suffer from consequences of such disgrace support such disgrace culture, like women, who suffer with horrible man but insist that man must be that way to be a man, and even raise the boy kids with such values to grow and became one more disgrace.
Even religious people, sith supposed moral values, have such disgrace, they are contradictory.
Even leftwing who support LGBTs, supposed to protect minorities, don't like reserved people, at least in my city, and saw as arrogant, like they turn against me for turn off a girl I didn't kew. You see... it's all garbage, even social moviments that were suposed to fight unjustices...
I never found one single person with really coherent and rational thinking in this city. NEVER !!!
Last edited by All Darc; 02-09-2019 at 11:32 AM..
02-09-2019, 11:13 AM
#187 (permalink)
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I don't know how would be if I was somewhere without stupid vulgar irrational people. I developed such disgusting feel over most people here because they think like savages and follow majority, follow fashion, follows the "because yes", and oppress me and atack me.
How you you feel among savages, amoing a tribe in the jungle?
It's how I feel. But I developed a self thing, like don't need people to feel ok, like enjoy some alone time, intropectivity.
Originally Posted by freebeard
02-09-2019, 02:23 PM
#188 (permalink)
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I don't know how would be if I was somewhere without stupid vulgar irrational people...
How you you feel among savages, amoing a tribe in the jungle?
It's how I feel. But I developed a self thing, like don't need people to feel ok, like enjoy some alone time, intropectivity.
I was in a Vietnamese hamlet once. It was very peaceful.
I could apply the same labels (stupid vulgar irrational) to the people around me here if I chose to. I don't.
.Without freedom of speech we wouldn't know who all the idiots are. -- anonymous poster
.The wages of woke is broke[™] -- Harvey Cthulhu
02-09-2019, 02:49 PM
#189 (permalink)
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What if they anoy you for you don't follow their rituals or if you don't accept a women of their trible?
Maybe I was unfair. People here (my city) are worst than many tribles...
Originally Posted by freebeard
I was in a Vietnamese hamlet once. It was very peaceful.
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02-09-2019, 04:35 PM
#190 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by All Darc
Human instincts always moved human away from rationality That's why the world civilizations still behave like jungle tribes fighting.
Human have capability to be rational, but chose to think like a freak animal, or like a freak condictioning ignorant.
And don't came with the excuse like "We are all humans, humans have faults.
Humanity has moved toward civility over time. In the past, a much larger percentage of people were killed in war, and murder was much more common. We continue to move toward civility despite barbaric nature.
I oppose bad behavior and culture as much as anyone, the only difference is I try not to spend so much thought on negativity. It isn't healthy.
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