Human instincts always moved human away from rationality That's why the world civilizations still behave like jungle tribes fighting.
Human have capability to be rational, but chose to think like a freak animal, or like a freak condictioning ignorant.
And don't came with the excuse like "We are all humans, humans have faults. Such culture I described it's a disgrace, and such disgrace is passed generation by generation, and people who refuse such disgrace are not well saw. And even the people who suffer from consequences of such disgrace support such disgrace culture, like women, who suffer with horrible man but insist that man must be that way to be a man, and even raise the boy kids with such values to grow and became one more disgrace.
Even religious people, sith supposed moral values, have such disgrace, they are contradictory.
Even leftwing who support LGBTs, supposed to protect minorities, don't like reserved people, at least in my city, and saw as arrogant, like they turn against me for turn off a girl I didn't kew. You see... it's all garbage, even social moviments that were suposed to fight unjustices...
I never found one single person with really coherent and rational thinking in this city. NEVER !!!
Last edited by All Darc; 02-09-2019 at 11:32 AM..