Originally Posted by redneck
Thatcher realized that she was duped on AGW and wanted to go on record accordingly in her book that she made an error, a hugh error.
She accurately points out that this is more about politics than science and that it provides a excuse for Supra-National Socialism .
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and her “New Green Deal” proves,,,, she was right.
The problem is global,so a supranational clearing house,like the Allied Forces,Lend-Lease,Super-Lend-Lease,and the Marshall Plan worked out in WW-II.
The United States has nationalized railroads,the steel industry,sent military troops into the oilfields,suspended habius corpus.
Today we remain the beneficiaries of socialist programs instituted before and during the Great Depression,when Wall St. and all the economists destroyed our economy.
When you call 911,that's socialism when the Police or Fire Dept. arrive.When you drive on an interstate highway.Use an airport.Bring your offshore products into a US port.Use the Panama Canal.National parks.Go to Hawaii.Puerto Rico.Phillipines.Guam.US Virgin Islands.Louisiana Purchase.Gadsden Purchase.Alaska.Safe food.Drugs.Water supply.Radio for Coast Guard assistance.Get a weather forecast.Building standards.Plumbing standards.Pentagon.BLM.US Forest Service.Electrical standards.Homeland security.CIA.NRO.NSA.Gamble in Las Vegas with hydroelectric power from 56-federal hydroelectric dams.The internet.Satellites.The list is endless.