It's more that it was before my time, and my parent's being of modest means only ever had broadcast TV. I grew up with TNG, so there's a special fondness for those characters. The Borg took the series to another level. I've since watched a few of the original, and I can accept arguments that it's the best.
Enjoyed the video, and it all sounds exactly right to me. I've experienced hypothermia before, floating some rapids as a swimmer while my friends had tubes. You shiver and it's miserable at first, then you stop shivering and lose your mind. I tried scaling a rock cliff rather than walk up the other side of the river to the road. Once on the road, I started home without taking the fins off my feet.
Death by cold has got to be at least 10,000x more pleasant than death by flame. BTW- When doctors ask what level of pain I'm at, I use the death by fire scale. I've never experienced more than about a level 3 pain when considering I could be set on fire. If I were a Dr. and a patient were able to communicate to me they are at pain level 10, I'd get out a hack saw and tell them they shouldn't feel a thing then.
-If the women don't find you handsome, they should at least find you handy.
Last edited by redpoint5; 02-13-2019 at 09:31 PM..