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Old 02-19-2019, 03:18 PM   #96 (permalink)
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What’s funny is even here in Wisconsin which has half the rates of Vermont it’s actually a wash or a small savings to generate all home electricity off a natural gas powered generator. The monthly electric connection fees alone pay for the maintenance and depreciation of the generator and the electricity generated is only about 2.5 cents a kwhr despite the low genset efficiency because the cost of gas is so low.

Originally Posted by redpoint5 View Post
Vermont has among the highest electricity prices and has to buy a lot from other states since they are shutting down nuke plants.
Shutting down nuclear is short sighted, case of once it’s gone it’s gone , building infrastructure off the assumption of a permanent source of natural gas is poor planning
shutting down nuclear is even worse.

If anything we need more advanced nuclear like MSR Thorium and less fossil fuel plants.

The MSR plants can run off the waste other plants produce, also our medical industry has an ever growing need for special nuclear isotopes and these shutdowns close off the supply for these drugs, only a few nuclear plants are left that make the necessary compounds, once they close there will be no supply of materials for cancer drugs.
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