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Old 02-20-2019, 11:47 PM   #205 (permalink)
It's all about Diesel
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Originally Posted by All Darc View Post
I suppose it was his choice. Was he a anthropologist?
No, he was just a teenager when he arrived in Brazil by himself. He worked making wooden barrels for load-bearing on donkey backs. Then some conflict happened with the Indians somewhere en route from Rio Grande do Sul to Sorocaba, and he was taken along by them. That was my paternal grandfather's paternal grandfather.

There is prejudice in society and we need to fight it, but we must spot all prejudices, and not just some. This girl soccer player deserves respects. I bet shew suffered prejudice, but a lot of people suffered too in other healms that don't get attentionl. They demand women to play soccer with male team, but if a man would play with female team... Would they accept???

Would they demand male top model to be paid as well as female top models??? Or the law of captalism it's just unfair when it's unfavor to women?
They complain about women be objects, but most of the millionaire women of movie industry which raise this flag got millionaire due this, legs, boobs and... So there are a lot of contradiction in their values.
Double standards...

One question for you if you don't mind: Are you against girls get too much boys playing, like soccer, or against boys get dance lesons?
I could really care less about it, as long as it's their own choice and neither they're brainwashed into it or try to push everyone else to follow their footsteps.