Originally Posted by Bicycle Bob
On one long trip, my co-driver mentioned how he was often irritated, especially at night, by semi-trailer drivers who would charge right up behind him and then brake. I explained that they could only pass by spending a mile gaining speed, and then looking at traffic for a go/nogo. I don't always need a mile, but that's been my usual procedure too. There's some really sloppy fast drivers out there.
I’m well aware of the need to pass you on the Interstate farther than a mile out. But I start the pass at about 350-ft. Specifics may differ, but it’s easy enough to be smooth with this. Traffic or no traffic.
It’s always “fun” to work my way into the left lane with traffic. It’s illegal to block access. And the passing lane has no right-of-way except in the confines of a pass. Signal on and here comes 76,000-lbs. Understand that the FUNDAMENTAL PREMISE of the two lane Interstate System is to keep traffic flowing by the use of the passing lane.
Anything else you’re looking at truck drivers imported from low IQ countries lately or two hundred years ago. Ability to comprehend closing rates isn’t possible for many of them. Running right up to a problem is par.