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Old 02-23-2019, 01:23 PM   #2241 (permalink)
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Old 02-23-2019, 05:07 PM   #2242 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Bicycle Bob View Post
On one long trip, my co-driver mentioned how he was often irritated, especially at night, by semi-trailer drivers who would charge right up behind him and then brake. I explained that they could only pass by spending a mile gaining speed, and then looking at traffic for a go/nogo. I don't always need a mile, but that's been my usual procedure too. There's some really sloppy fast drivers out there.
I’m well aware of the need to pass you on the Interstate farther than a mile out. But I start the pass at about 350-ft. Specifics may differ, but it’s easy enough to be smooth with this. Traffic or no traffic.

It’s always “fun” to work my way into the left lane with traffic. It’s illegal to block access. And the passing lane has no right-of-way except in the confines of a pass. Signal on and here comes 76,000-lbs. Understand that the FUNDAMENTAL PREMISE of the two lane Interstate System is to keep traffic flowing by the use of the passing lane.

Anything else you’re looking at truck drivers imported from low IQ countries lately or two hundred years ago. Ability to comprehend closing rates isn’t possible for many of them. Running right up to a problem is par.

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Old 02-23-2019, 05:26 PM   #2243 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by MetroMPG View Post
Neat. I never really thought about that aspect of driving a big rig. I don't see that much, only because big trucks tend not to be on the roads I frequent.

But I will never understand the drivers of normal vehicles who tailgate extremely closely before passing. C'mon guy! Leave some "runway" ahead of yourself, and get the pass done safer: less time spent in the passing lane, and (critically) better forward vision before the pass (since the field of view isn't filled with the back of my car)!
Import the stupid, import the higher risk. There’s your reason for recent increased or flatlined deaths per 100k miles.

The inability to comprehend the simplest physics (weight x speed) means education doesn’t work. These are dim bulb 12-yr olds who shouldn’t be allowed to operate above 45-mph. Understand that JUST REMAINING IN THEIR LANE places them at their physical/mental limit while on the highway.

The EM response is more about safety. They also school like fish. Don’t expect conciousness for the difficulty of their task. They hand it off as fast as possible. It’s too taxing.

See a pack overtaking you? Back off and get them around quickly. Re-engage cruise control once 700-ft or more out ahead.

Manage the flow. That’s what informs the feet.

Insisting on hyper stunt driving with legally-defined morons around one means Stupid Number One is aggravated by Stupid Number Two. That’s Laurel & Hardy.

Highway travel is cruise-control centered. Maximization (percentage of drive time) is the winner.

The trip plan is more important. Roads chosen, time of departure, and all stops chosen in advance trumps masturbating with the throttle.

Highest possible mpg has no more meaning than fastest elapsed time.

It’s the average. The dead-nuts predictable average. MPG at MPH. Have to have both averages to meet standards around here (as I see this thing). Don’t have that pair? Then one isn’t serious about understanding fuel burn.

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Old 02-23-2019, 05:32 PM   #2244 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by slowmover View Post
I’m well aware of the need to pass you on the Interstate farther than a mile out. But I start the pass at about 350-ft. Specifics may differ, but it’s easy enough to be smooth with this. Traffic or no traffic.

It’s always “fun” to work my way into the left lane with traffic. It’s illegal to block access. And the passing lane has no right-of-way except in the confines of a pass. Signal on and here comes 76,000-lbs. Understand that the FUNDAMENTAL PREMISE of the two lane Interstate System is to keep traffic flowing by the use of the passing lane.

Anything else you’re looking at truck drivers imported from low IQ countries lately or two hundred years ago. Ability to comprehend closing rates isn’t possible for many of them. Running right up to a problem is par.

I was describing situations on two-lane roads. They are especially interesting when driven for the first time at night, through mountains.
There is no excuse for a land vehicle to weigh more than its average payload.
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Old 02-23-2019, 08:52 PM   #2245 (permalink)
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^ Ha! Love that one.
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Old 02-24-2019, 04:57 AM   #2246 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Bicycle Bob View Post
I was describing situations on two-lane roads. They are especially interesting when driven for the first time at night, through mountains.
And what do you do to get the passing traffic around you soonest?

If there’s one question routinely ignored by the MPG crowd — a display of bad driving — its this one.

It’s what I have to do with an 18-wheeler. It applies to all vehicles.

I don’t much care idiots are in a hurry. The obligation is courtesy until they’re stacked deep. In which case the law addresses it.

Keeping them moving is the game so that they don’t stack up. That wasn’t clear in the above?

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Old 02-24-2019, 06:06 AM   #2247 (permalink)
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I for one do not ignore the need for faster traffic to pass.
I check the speed of the semi behind and move slightly to the right of the lane hoping they understand I'm trying to cooperate with them as best I can. So I move up to the semi ahead as far as is reasonably safe, and when they do overtake I drop back to leave ample space for them to merge back in if they choose to do so.

If a semi wants to merge from an on ramp I drop back and signal with the high beams, just like they do amongst themselves. I get the thanks wiggle more often than not.

Once a month or so though I somehow wake the ire in a semi driver.
They drive up to inches of my rear bumper but don't pass, even if they have all the opportunity in the world, and sometimes flash or even hold their high beams. I'm driving at a constant speed at a reasonable distance to the semi ahead as always.
I tried several strategies to make them pass me or keep distance, but anything I do only seems to aggravate it. Just keeping on going at constant speed ignoring what's happening behind does actually work best so far. When they finally do pass I drop back, as always, and signal when there's space to merge. Dropping back is a good strategy in these cases anyway, as once or twice the driver deliberately squeezed me into the emergency runoff. I still think that means they are crazy, not me.
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For confirmation go to people just like you.
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Last edited by RedDevil; 02-24-2019 at 06:20 AM..
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Old 03-04-2019, 04:42 AM   #2248 (permalink)
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There isn’t a need. There is only the DESIRE to travel faster. When traffic increases on a roadway to the point that passing has become IN ANY FASHION difficult, a slower speed is the ONLY answer.

Sure, cooperation matters. Should be a given, but isn’t. When traffic is heavy enough that following distances cannot be increased or even maintained, it becomes besides the point.

Up until then being able to manage overtaking traffic works to the advantage of all.

When I’m in my pickup and running 58-mph on a 75-mph highway that management is at first more work. With practice it becomes routine.

As to truck tailgaters, I can usually find the name of the head of the safety department of a truck firm pretty quickly. And use the CB to announce to one and all that I’m waiting on hold for that John Doe to send him pics or videos of truck #12345 operating in an unsafe & threatening manner. After which he will be informed my next call is to Texas DPS after I contact their dispatch for assistance at mile marker XX for reckless endangerment. (That order may change dependent on circumstance).

There are further bureaucratic steps that will eventuate in altering the safety scoring of that company. And none can afford the increase in insurance rates, it’s basic to their business plan.

A tailgating big truck is no different than someone pointing a gun at you. Act accordingly. Here in Texas, we have sure methods for travelers who are threatened.


Last edited by slowmover; 03-04-2019 at 04:51 AM..
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Old 03-04-2019, 04:52 AM   #2249 (permalink)
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I had the pleasure of having a gun pointed at me once (for using the horn when someone merged into my lane at my level).
I prefer tailgaters.
2011 Honda Insight + HID, LEDs, tiny PV panel, extra brake pad return springs, neutral wheel alignment, 44/42 PSI (air), PHEV light (inop), tightened wheel nut.
lifetime FE over 0.2 Gigameter or 0.13 Megamile.

For confirmation go to people just like you.
For education go to people unlike yourself.
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Old 03-04-2019, 01:22 PM   #2250 (permalink)
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And use the CB to announce to one and all that I’m waiting on hold for that John Doe to send him pics or videos of truck #12345 operating in an unsafe & threatening manner.
...add Instagram.

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