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Old 02-27-2019, 09:10 AM   #217 (permalink)
All Darc
Join Date: Feb 2018
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I see the "scientific racism" (white nacionalist despite he don't admit) leader Jared Taylor, who adopted something similar to former KKK president David Duke, as both says they don't hate black and spanish, but just said they are better separated. Jared
Taylor had some friend chats with Sargon of Akkad and with Gavin Mclnnes, and so Stefan Molyneux shared most views with Taylor.

Uncle Jordan had many dialog with most of them, even friendly photos with Sargon and their flag. But of course he will have a good excuse ahhnn...

Who Taylor wants to fool?? No hate about??? I see when he loses patience with even very decent and in telligent people interviewing hin, when he angrly says :"People like you come here to take advantage of what we built"
He could say that to people who act like criminals, or had bad behavior, or just get a lot of children without money to raise them. But when he says it to decent intelligent people.. in these moment Taylo's mask fall to the ground.

And yes, Jodan silence about all this it's very disturbing, especially when he friendly talks with people who support Taylor.

I'm not saying all Taylor's ideas are wrong, since there is a chance that exist real IQ difference in genetic terms among different ethinic groups, in the same way maybe your ancestors, 350 years ago maybe had lower genetic IQ due higher spreeding of the genes involved as result of high breeding among peple with lower IQ. This would due a matter of genesticf among population, somethning that can change quite fast if we see compared to evolution scale. Of course difference IQ between indiovuduals are higher than between races, and the IQ are also very influencedt by cultural, social and parenting quality, and even health and nutricion.
But Taylor wants to use this and generalize to fit his hate about groups.

I'm not in defense of left ring in this post now. And I fully agree with Peterson when he said left are fighing things that their own ideology helps to grow, since they support drug, irresponsible sex, erotization, bad behavior, and never talks about responsabilities. It's things I said months ago in this forum. Indee the worst enemy of black people now it's the bad side of black culture, the street culture, funk culture, the culture that lead they to avoid education and responsability and leads they to drugs, pregnancy at lower age and unmarried pregnancy complete unplanned. This culture is somehow the result of slavism past and prejudice, but left wing thinks it's cool to keep it by promoting rapp and funk music as good symbols of black culture.

Last edited by All Darc; 02-27-2019 at 10:33 AM..