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Old 02-27-2019, 11:36 PM   #118 (permalink)
It's all about Diesel
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Originally Posted by Taylor95 View Post
If parts are discontinued for a car, you could still last awhile if you are really good at fabricating your own things, and modifying stuff so it works.
Back in the Beetle days it was very usual in Brazil to rebuild imports over a VW platform, mostly French ones such as a Simca 8 that an uncle of mine got in 2007 already rebuilt by some previous owner.

After that I suppose that you could rip out the engine and replace it with a new one.
Sometimes I look at some old beaters for sale and start to think about which other engine could be better than overhauling its stock one.

But most people can't do that, and for most people their old car is not worth it.
I have already watched videos and seen pictures of old beaters retrofitted with some small motorcycle engine.

Well, it wouldn't surprise me if people start using random stationary engines for the very same purpose, as these don't seem to fade away so soon for applications such as gensets.

But I believe that the ICE will still live on in the future, probably fueled by biogas or something along those lines.
Considering that raw biogas released to the atmosphere becomes more harmful than carbon dioxide released after the combustion, I still believe the ICE might retain a more relevant role on the carbon stabilization than it's usually reported.
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