Originally Posted by Frank Lee
You or freebeard have a link? Because I could find nothing in legitimate media to corroborate anything even close to what you assert. 
Nope saw it on c-span. The house hearing panel voted something like 13 or 15 to 2 to continue the hearings.
I would have to say seeing them vote it down in flames live is good enough for me.
It's not a stretch, it's just the begining of the end.
Let's see, what do we have working against climate change.
70 to 80% of believers won't even consider buying an electric vehicle, because it would be too much of an inconvenience.
68% of America voters refuse to pay more than $10 a month to fix climate change
57% say they would pay $1 per month, wow you guys are just dripping with dedication.
12% of voters believe the government should be given the power to fix climate change.
Less than 5% of believers drive a plug in vehicle.
0% or effectively 0% of house dems bothered to show up to the hearing to keep it going, I guess they had more important lines of coke and hookers to do.
If this isn't the beginning of the end, then what is it?