Originally Posted by oil pan 4
Nope saw it on c-span. The house hearing panel voted something like 13 or 15 to 2 to continue the hearings.
I would have to say seeing them vote it down in flames live is good enough for me.
It's not a stretch, it's just the begining of the end.
Let's see, what do we have working against climate change.
68% of America voters refuse to pay more than $10 a month to fix climate change
12% of voters believe the government should be given the power to fix climate change.
0% or effectively 0% of house dems bothered to show up to the hearing to keep it going, I guess they had more important lines of coke and hookers to do.
If this isn't the beginning of the end, then what is it?
The beginning of the beginning. D's couldn't do squat as the minority. Now they are the majority. It's only been weeks. Yes, they are like herding cats and it may take some doing to get a consensus. In contrast, R's are good at marching in lockstep. R's had eight years to act but as we can see, they prefer short-term exploitation to long-term sustainable planning.
Politico says it was shut down by 4 R's vs 2 D's. I suspect the rest of your numbers enjoy a similar level of accuracy.
Your quip about coke and hookers further erodes your credibility, as if citing breitbart wasn't the final nail in the coffin.