Or compare Pinocchio to The Book of Genesis. Why not? But Pinnochio it's not a scary movie/tale as The Genesis. Geppetto wasn't a freak.
Originally Posted by freebeard
Why would he do that. He'd be more likely to compare it to Pinocchio or the Book of Genesis. 
Yeah, it says basically that we must remamber each one are humans and humanism it's important to keep society united.
I did some comments to try to irk or dirupt people, since the dispute in this decade, lefwing X rightwing, maybe lead many people to forget to think with heart and reason combined.
But... had Metropolis predicted the moral decadence of contemporany society today, when we see scenes of Tje Gardens of Pleasure and Yoshiware parties ?
And would the idea of the robot Maria (created initially to replace/bring back Rotwang's old passion) today would be the start of replacement of true person for digital relations, pets, digital entertainment ?
I think Matrix was very wrong... Script follows the old silly thing of humans as good trying to fight evil machines, humans as heros, opressed. Someone should remake it changing everything. I would made it showing machines as neutrals in start, and humanity after destroy a lot of the world, but not entirelly, prefering to live by own decision in a simulated world of vanity and edonism, and the machines would not have all controll but would fight to manage convince or bring humans back to reality.
Originally Posted by freebeard
Not just the Chinese? The message of the movie at it's core is that the heart must mediate between the hands and head. It's a timeless message.