I have been watching the TV series 'The Expanse' and really like it. I'm 2 episodes into the 3rd season. More accurate type Sci-fi that gets into what zero G living might be like. 'The Martin ' was not bad IMO either working what time delays in communication and travel would be like. I tried to go back and watch 'Battlestar Galactica' but just couldn't get thru the first episode even though I couldn't wait for the next episode to come out back in the day it was a new release. With my 13 year old we are loving watching all of the 'Psych' TV show episodes together. I thought she might like to be a detective but she said the Coroner looked fun? My favorite stuff is on Utube. Joe Robinet with Canadian camping, and some other guy I forgot the name, crossing New Foundland alone with his dog and a cool hockey smile.