03-07-2019, 01:18 PM
#41 (permalink)
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I predict the same (considering VR-type environments). We're already wasting tons of time in artificial social outlets such as Facepalm and Tweeter. Once these become more immersive, it will be even more addicting and capture an even larger percentage of people's attention. It will be like being part of a fantasy movie rather than simply watching one.
...and that's why population growth is going to tank within my lifetime. We're close to developing the technology that will make men (and women too) less interested in putting in the effort required to attract and maintain real relationships. It's already started. Not only that, but the age of marriage has been increasing for both men and women, which ends up reducing the number of children they have.
The US has a negative population growth from a fertility standpoint.

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03-07-2019, 01:44 PM
#42 (permalink)
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OTOH it solves the 'global warming' conundrum.
The Machine Stops
"The Machine Stops" is a science fiction short story by E. M. Forster. After initial publication in The Oxford and Cambridge Review, the story was republished in Forster's The Eternal Moment and Other Stories in 1928. After being voted one of the best novellas up to 1965, it was included that same year in the populist anthology Modern Short Stories...
Author:E. M. Forster
.Without freedom of speech we wouldn't know who all the idiots are. -- anonymous poster
.The wages of woke is broke[™] -- Harvey Cthulhu
03-07-2019, 01:56 PM
#43 (permalink)
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That's what I'm getting at freebeard; that we don't need to abandon all freedom and prosperity to dial back the outdoor thermostat. There's already mechanisms in play to counteract the problems we face.
Rather than a communist idea like enforcing a 1-child policy, we could simply make IUDs free to those that want them... or just wait 5 years for VR to begin to tank reproduction. Heck, in 20 years we'll consider VR to be a basic human right and provide free VR to the homeless, or whatever equivalent we have in the future.
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03-07-2019, 02:29 PM
#44 (permalink)
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Suspicious graphics... Is the nfirst two just for USA?
Hard to believe that in 1800's people married and had kids later than in 1950's
USA population decline?? Hard to believe.
But I think sicentists are relutant to measure IQ and fertility (birth rates) among populations. They would find data about stupid people have more kids than intelligent péople today. Not jsut stupi (lower IQ) but people more agressive, more prone to drug and drunk behavior and antisocial. For me this is reverse eugenics.
Originally Posted by redpoint5
I predict the same (considering VR-type environments). We're already wasting tons of time in artificial social outlets such as Facepalm and Tweeter. Once these become more immersive, it will be even more addicting and capture an even larger percentage of people's attention. It will be like being part of a fantasy movie rather than simply watching one.
...and that's why population growth is going to tank within my lifetime. We're close to developing the technology that will make men (and women too) less interested in putting in the effort required to attract and maintain real relationships. It's already started. Not only that, but the age of marriage has been increasing for both men and women, which ends up reducing the number of children they have.
The US has a negative population growth from a fertility standpoint.

03-07-2019, 04:31 PM
#45 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by All Darc
Suspicious graphics... Is the nfirst two just for USA?
Hard to believe that in 1800's people married and had kids later than in 1950's
USA population decline?? Hard to believe.
But I think sicentists are relutant to measure IQ and fertility (birth rates) among populations. They would find data about stupid people have more kids than intelligent péople today. Not jsut stupi (lower IQ) but people more agressive, more prone to drug and drunk behavior and antisocial. For me this is reverse eugenics.
It was US graphs. USA population is in decline except that immigration keeps the numbers positive. The '50s were the baby boom in the USA.
I'd say lower IQ people in general plan less and give in to instant gratification more (as opposed to delayed gratification). That would support the hypothesis that they have more children, and at younger ages.
The educated and wealthy (and higher IQ) among us tend to wait until 30 to get married, and then have a very short reproductive window.
Last edited by redpoint5; 03-07-2019 at 04:42 PM..
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03-07-2019, 07:07 PM
#46 (permalink)
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Yeah, the Baby Boom, since war somehow increase desire of reproduction somehow. But I always oimagine that 130 years ago USA women used to marry almost as young as still tenns, like 16, 17 years old, and have 4 or 5 kids or more. At least the movies gave that impression.
Here on Brazil people marry early and get kids early the more the poor they are. Even some people, who were from poor family, but got some social ascension, still keep these minds. And such people use to press their kids to follow the same, date in early age, mary in early age...
Instant gratification... Uhnn... that a argument Jared Taylor (racist called as whith supremassist by media-but he call hinself white separatist) use against afro americans.
But I see in black and in white people in my country. The poor most are, more they spent in non important things. I know about people who became somehow wealth, for our country standarts, and spent more than they could, even if now earn 10x more than 10 years ago, and go to ask money (loan) to people that earn less then they. ( A study here showed that most people who wan in lottery lost almost everything few years later.
In this specific point I agree with Ben Shapiro, when he says many poor people are poor because they had poor parenthood, poor behavior, poor planing of economics, poor moral values to adress family and children creation.
But I can see that today if you say such things on USA you became a target of angry left wings. Of courser that this don't necessarilly means that low salaries for good working are ok, and this can really happens in some cases, but USA in general don't have much of this. Or have?
Anyway such things tends to get worse, since worse genes are being passed more often than good genes in our actual society.
Originally Posted by redpoint5
It was US graphs. USA population is in decline except that immigration keeps the numbers positive. The '50s were the baby boom in the USA.
I'd say lower IQ people in general plan less and give in to instant gratification more (as opposed to delayed gratification). That would support the hypothesis that they have more children, and at younger ages.
The educated and wealthy (and higher IQ) among us tend to wait until 30 to get married, and then have a very short reproductive window.
Last edited by All Darc; 03-07-2019 at 07:14 PM..
03-07-2019, 07:39 PM
#47 (permalink)
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I have been watching the TV series 'The Expanse' and really like it. I'm 2 episodes into the 3rd season. More accurate type Sci-fi that gets into what zero G living might be like. 'The Martin ' was not bad IMO either working what time delays in communication and travel would be like. I tried to go back and watch 'Battlestar Galactica' but just couldn't get thru the first episode even though I couldn't wait for the next episode to come out back in the day it was a new release. With my 13 year old we are loving watching all of the 'Psych' TV show episodes together. I thought she might like to be a detective but she said the Coroner looked fun? My favorite stuff is on Utube. Joe Robinet with Canadian camping, and some other guy I forgot the name, crossing New Foundland alone with his dog and a cool hockey smile.
03-07-2019, 08:22 PM
#48 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by All Darc
The poor most are, more they spent in non important things. I know about people who became somehow wealth, for our country standarts, and spent more than they could, even if now earn 10x more than 10 years ago, and go to ask money (loan) to people that earn less then they. (A study here showed that most people who wan in lottery lost almost everything few years later.
In this specific point I agree with Ben Shapiro, when he says many poor people are poor because they had poor parenthood, poor behavior, poor planing of economics, poor moral values to adress family and children creation.
But I can see that today if you say such things on USA you became a target of angry left wings. Of courser that this don't necessarilly means that low salaries for good working are ok, and this can really happens in some cases, but USA in general don't have much of this. Or have?
I've got lots of personal examples of people who were poor because of their poor decisions, not because of their poor circumstances. A coworker I knew made twice as much money as me, and was a single guy living in a single-bed apartment. He'd sometimes ask to borrow money to pay rent because he is poor at managing his money. He would spend everything, not saving for any unexpected event such as car problems.
My cousin received a windfall of money on 2 occasions ($60k and $100k+). He was broke inside of 3 months when he got the $60k. Prior to that, he had worked 2 years as a cook. After that he was on the streets. Then he inherited $100k+ and was broke within about 4 months. Started doing meth, lost what little mental capacity he had. Died last year at 44.
People in the US are just as insane as anywhere else. They will say that minimum wage isn't a "living wage". First, minimum wage was never intended to be a living wage; it was intended to get new workers foot into the workplace. Second, I could raise a family on minimum wage. It wouldn't be extravagant, but it would be a living wage. In the US, you won't be stuck with minimum wage for long if you aren't an idiot or lazy.
That isn't to say those at the lower ends of the economic spectrum are to blame; as genetics and environment are the only 2 things that affect a person's outcome, and neither are within their control.
03-07-2019, 09:43 PM
#49 (permalink)
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Too many charts.
Has anyone thought about the parallels to Joseph Campbell's Hero's Journey in Metropolis? Freder Frederson journeys into the underworld, becomes a changed person and changes the world.
Parallels to Neo in The Matrix?
Was else anyone surprised to find Kelly's Heroes in Girls Und Panzer?
.Without freedom of speech we wouldn't know who all the idiots are. -- anonymous poster
.The wages of woke is broke[™] -- Harvey Cthulhu
03-07-2019, 10:08 PM
#50 (permalink)
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Veteran here. While away at war, servicemembers generally have difficulty procreating, although I knew several female Soldiers that got pregnant right before deployment, and several more that got impregnated while we were in Afghanistan.
I am confident that many Soldiers that deployed with me got pregnant or got someone pregnant when they came home.
Of course, personnel in World War II, Korea, and maybe Vietnam hooked up with local nationals. It very well may have happened in Afghanistan, but I did not know of anyone walking out the gate for any reason, including seemingly shapely women.
I once shared a source that showed that worldwide, there was a strong correlation between women not finishing high school and having kids early and often.
I am sure that I have made plenty of decisions that caused me financial troubles, but I came into money last year, and paid down my student loans.
I hope to pay them off this year. Then I am neutralizing my credit cards.
Anyway, I need to read seven chapters in the next twenty-two hours, watch hours of lectures, take a quiz undoubtedly designed with a different textbook than we were assigned, do it all over again tomorrow, and then take a test on Sunday.
Please have a good day.