Originally Posted by redpoint5
I don't care myself, and I prefer manuals. I'm just thinking from the perspective of a passenger. If passengers are allowed to drink a beverage for instance, that can be annoying in a manual. I once drove a couple young women in my Acura, and their comment seeing a manual was "ewww, weird". Younger people aren't impressed with manuals.
... and try being a passenger in a manual car and really pay attention to how smooth it is. Night and day difference from being the driver.
Hm, true I suppose. The only time I rode as a passenger in my Insight was when my dad was driving it for a bit, and he was having to get used to the insanely tall gearing lol.
Originally Posted by redpoint5
Younger people aren't impressed with manuals.
I'm a "younger" person and I love manuals now.