Thread: Tesla Model 3
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Old 03-10-2019, 02:24 PM   #984 (permalink)
AKA - Jason
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Adventure Seeker - '04 Chevy Astro - Campervan
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Originally Posted by RedDevil View Post
Half of the issues I've had with my cars were engine related. None of those would have happened with an EV.
My experience has been the opposite.

The 03 Jetta Wagon TDI (10 years 245K miles)
Engine: Glow plugs / glow plug harness
Body: Shocks / struts ,control arm bushings, tie rods, both front window regulars, 2 fan resistor packs, fan blower motor, glove box latch, center console latch, rear ashtray, front tweeter, front and rear brake pads once

Note: Suspension was done at 100K miles. Almost all of the rest was after 200K miles

2005 Prius (10 years / 125K miles (12 years / 149K total)
Engine: Hybrid coolant pump, 3-way valve
Body: Needed struts, shocks, bushings but I didn't replace them

2009 Prius (6 years / 52K miles (10 years/ 115K miles total)
Engine: Hybrid coolant pump, 3-way valve
Body: Needed struts, stocks, bushings but I didn't replace them

2014: VW Jetta Wagon TDI (9 months / 9K miles (4 years / 39K miles total)
Engine: Nothing
Body: Side rear window defrost doesn't work, sunroof dust seal needs to be replaced.

2004 Chevy Astro (4 years / 10K miles (15 years / 86K miles total)
Engine: MAF sensor, fuel tank pressure sensor
Body: Rear calipers, rear brake lines, parking brake shoes, driver's mirror. None of the power locks work except for the hatch but I haven't fixed them yet. Needs new shocks.

2015 Chevy Spark EV (3 years / 22K miles)
EV Components: Recall to reprogram BMS
Body: Recall to reprogram airbag deployment

Vehicles with two year / mileage were purchased used. The first is my history, the second is total age and mileage.
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