Originally Posted by Xist
"Waterworld" definitely needs a "How it should have ended."
Did anyone watch "Fathead?" This is the description:
Did I mention that he also drastically increased his exercise? I cannot imagine that he lost twelve pounds in twenty-eight days through exercise alone or even mostly through exercise, but doesn't it seem like a confounding variable? Exercise is great and wonderful. I highly recommend it, but it still would have been awesome if he ate his McDonald's diet, exercised normally, and lost 9 - 10 pounds?
Someone asked him about confounding variables and he responded "Are you easily confounded and confused?"
If you built a boat tail, made wheel covers, and said you built a boat tail and improved fuel economy 12%, wouldn't we call you out for confounding variables?
Well, I finished my quizzes and the test. Aside from the final, I am halfway through the class, but there is not a midterm. At least we will have four days between the last test and the final instead of having three or four quizzes and a test all on consecutive days.
I am going to start working on my Civic tomorrow. Seriously, isn't that a one afternoon job? I should have time to watch both "Captain Marvel" and "Alita" this week. Yay.
I think I saw it, but don't recall. Better watch again.
Exercise has little to do with weight. I don't consider it much of a confounding factor unless the exercise was massively increased, like hours a day. That's besides the point anyhow; that you can eat McDonald's and be healthy.
All of these documentaries are pointless stunts anyhow. Maybe I should live on ice cream alone and make a documentary about how I lost my interest in ice cream, and wasn't particularly healthy.