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Old 03-11-2019, 04:15 AM   #91 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Fat Charlie View Post
I've threatened my kids with Waterworld.
I was going to commend you for introducing them to Hudson Hawk, but Waterworld? That's just cruel.

Originally Posted by redpoint5 View Post
Healthy is subjective. Christian Bale went down to something like 120 lbs for The Machinist. Healthy? Later that year he went up to something like 185 for Batman.

It seems there isn't a consistent "healthy" diet that can be applied to all. Some people seem to do well on a keto or paleo diet, others not as well.

Lately I've increased my lipid intake, mostly because it doesn't cost any more (2% vs whole milk), and it tastes better. I'll cook hashbrowns in leftover bacon grease. I feel the same as always and my weight is on the lighter side.
He was unhealthily thin in "The Machinist". In Batman, he was in great shape.

Bale is one of those actors who'd go to any length to get into character. Which is worrying.

But then again, he isn't the one who OD'd after TDKR, so...


It's interesting to read about John Goodman's struggles with weight and how he lost a lot of it recently. I recall an old article wherein he was talking about how much exercise time he had to put in, and how he had to balance it because he couldn't lose too much of it, because his roles needed him to be "chubby".

As for classics, introduced kids to the original "Adventures in Babysitting". Cringey how they use the word 'homo' as a joke in the movie, and for a kid's movie, focusing so much on a Playboy is a bit odd... but it still holds up well.

I mean, as well as a vapid, shallow, but essentially fun comedy can be expected to. Younger kid got scared and went to bed. Twelve year old sat up through the night watching and chuckling.

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