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Old 09-06-2008, 04:46 PM   #47 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by RH77 View Post
I will admit that anti-depressants are over-prescribed...

The flaw in the system, is often the absence of "talk therapy" in tandem with a medication regimen...
I've never met a 'depressed' person that wasn't angry!

Bourbon and aspirin work as good as 'happy pills', and they don't require a script...

IMHO, talking can be very helpful - not the professional evaluate/medicate/evacuate variety - but for digging down and fixing the problem!

There's two kinds of consciousness - the one you can control (wants, needs, desires) and the one that's programmed into you (subconscious mind) by your parents, school, church, work, et cetera.

There is nothing YOU can do about YOUR own subconscious mind - it has to be reprogrammed by someone else!

That's what I did with my friend, last week. Talk, time, music and motion are the tools I used to reprogram him - NOT just talk...

How would one do that in a clinical setting?

What 'the system' does is try to control your subconscious mind through the use of psychotropic drugs and psychobabble. The problem with that system is it requires constant tweaking, hence the superficial conversations - which are a necessary part of adjusting meds, but NOT curing the mind.

Anyway, I don't 'see' the OP as being in a depressed/angry state. How about you?!?!?
.:: B16A2 HX/Si Coupe | '98 HX shell with full '99 CiViC Si swap | 40+ MPG
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