If you look at my last 'fuel log' entry, you'll see that I spent 4 hours, and a half tank of gas, talking a friend out of their 'depression'. I finally convinced him to figure out the source of his anger and go attack it/them, rather than himself.
That's good that you were there for your friend.
Turned out, after hours of talking - his family is driving him crazy - sucking him dry financially, emotionally, and physically. "Great", I said, "Go home and kick their blood-sucking parasite arses out! Or, at least be a man and yell at 'em!"
It takes a while to drill-down to the root cause -- you got through on the first "session". Good work!
Depression, so called, is simply anger directed toward yourself.
Not always. There's often an anxiety component to it.
Putting a 'depressed' person on meds usually just makes the situation worse - sometimes they kill LOTS of people!
The key word error there is "usually". The proper term is "very rarely". Mostly, there's a caution in using anti-depressants in children or teens because of the paradoxical reaction and suicidal ideation. I work on the inside and deal with the real data on this stuff.
Evaluate, medicate, evacuate - that's the mantra of the mental health system - and I think the OP is V smart to stay away from the pill pushers. You're better taking up amateur boxing, or something, and getting it out of your system, than trying to suppress inner anger, e.g. depression with meds...
Again, I'm afraid this a sweeping generalization.
I will admit that anti-depressants are over-prescribed; however, if the patient has a true depressive condition, either environmentally induced or genetically inherited, then meds can often help them live closer-to-normal lives.
The flaw in the system, is often the absence of "talk therapy" in tandem with a medication regimen. Like you found with your friend after a few hours, clinicians often take months to get to the root cause, talk it through, look at solutions, and report back to the Psychiatrist for med changes or discontinuation. Often it's just a Psych doc, 15-minutes, and out the door.
It's just what I've seen working in various parts of the health care system, including Psych.
__________________ “If we knew what we were doing, it wouldn't be called research” ― Albert Einstein
Mom's Van - '99 Plymouth Voyager SE 90 day: 25.62 mpg (US)
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Hmmm, I don't have any reason to believe that I am even slightly depressed. Not even really stressed. I think it is just me being a unhealthy habit having, junk food eating slob.
That is an unbelievable thing you did for your friend. Really, great job.
There are a lot of good suggestions here. I also thought of sleep apnea meaning you never get good sleep or "REM" sleep you could have it without knowing. I've read most people need 7-9 hours, you guys getting 5-6 and feel good are lucky! Also research "sleep hygiene" which lately for me going to bed and getting up at a set time I feel much much better!
sorry if I repeat anything already said, as I scanned, not read this thread.. I guess I consider myself luck.. 20+ years ago, the Army taught me to function on as little as 2-3 hours sleep per 24... I can still function on the same, but when I'm off work & have no reason to get up, I've been known to sleep straight for 12-15 hours.
My diet is probably one of the worst.. usually eat a small b-fast, then a quick lunch (fast-food or sandwiches), then dinner whenever I get home (wife & kids usually sleeping or near there). I drink 2-5 cans of soda & at least a gallon of water/gatorade/powerade daily.. and am losing weight slowly..
One thing I did learn about a year ago, the quality of your sleep is just as important as the quantity. I bought a tempurpedic & don't regret it.. no more rolling over, no more backaches... most mornings I wake up in the exact same position I dropped. sorry to sound like a commercial, but I feel much better working a 14-16 hour day on 3, 4, 5, or 6 hours of sleep.
If you're still yawning during class, then your body is is tired or you're extremely bored. Assuming you're still tired.. make yourself get to bed 15-30 minutes earlier for 2-3 weeks & get up at the same time every morning (build a routine)..
If you look at my last 'fuel log' entry, you'll see that I spent 4 hours, and a half tank of gas, talking a friend out of their 'depression'. I finally convinced him to figure out the source of his anger and go attack it/them, rather than himself.
Turned out, after hours of talking - his family is driving him crazy - sucking him dry financially, emotionally, and physically. "Great", I said, "Go home and kick their blood-sucking parasite arses out! Or, at least be a man and yell at 'em!"
He's doing MUCH better now - took the noose down in his garage and everything...
Depression, so called, is simply anger directed toward yourself. That is, a depressed person is an angry person with no outlet for their anger, so they turn the anger on themselves. If they don't release this anger, sometimes they kill themselves or someone else.
Putting a 'depressed' person on meds usually just makes the situation worse - sometimes they kill LOTS of people!
Evaluate, medicate, evacuate - that's the mantra of the mental health system - and I think the OP is V smart to stay away from the pill pushers. You're better taking up amateur boxing, or something, and getting it out of your system, than trying to suppress inner anger, e.g. depression with meds...
What you say may be true in some cases, but I am also disabled from an accident about 9 years ago that left me with chronic back pain. A life changing experience like the one I had effects a persons mental stability as well as their physical well being. I went from working 40-65 hours a week to not being able to work at all, then on top of that had to fight the government 5 years to get my disability approved. If you don't think chronic pain can change you mentally and physically then try having to take morphine for pain and still hurting 24-7. My pain level on medication is usually between 6 and 8 on a scale of 0-10. There are still days when I have to spend the whole day in bed, because it hurts me to even sit up. When I first had the accident there were several times when I would spend 3-7 days in bed at a time simply because it hurt too much to sit up. I once spent a full month in bed with the exception of driving my wife to and from work because it literally made me sick to sit up. As for what you said about your friend his family may and may not be the cause of his depression. Before getting on medication I was having suicidal thoughts, it nearly ended my 18 year marriage and was causing problems with friends and other family members. My letting my feelings out yelling etc is what caused much of the problems I just named. I have never had a problem expressing my feelings. If I don't like something or someone I let it be known.
I will admit that anti-depressants are over-prescribed...
The flaw in the system, is often the absence of "talk therapy" in tandem with a medication regimen...
I've never met a 'depressed' person that wasn't angry!
Bourbon and aspirin work as good as 'happy pills', and they don't require a script...
IMHO, talking can be very helpful - not the professional evaluate/medicate/evacuate variety - but for digging down and fixing the problem!
There's two kinds of consciousness - the one you can control (wants, needs, desires) and the one that's programmed into you (subconscious mind) by your parents, school, church, work, et cetera.
There is nothing YOU can do about YOUR own subconscious mind - it has to be reprogrammed by someone else!
That's what I did with my friend, last week. Talk, time, music and motion are the tools I used to reprogram him - NOT just talk...
How would one do that in a clinical setting?
What 'the system' does is try to control your subconscious mind through the use of psychotropic drugs and psychobabble. The problem with that system is it requires constant tweaking, hence the superficial conversations - which are a necessary part of adjusting meds, but NOT curing the mind.
Anyway, I don't 'see' the OP as being in a depressed/angry state. How about you?!?!?
.::B16A2 HX/Si Coupe | '98 HX shell with full '99 CiViC Si swap | 40+ MPG Listen to the people who fail. They know what they're talking about!
Anyway, I don't 'see' the OP as being in a depressed/angry state. How about you?!?!?
It's really hard to tell. Even before my injury I had a pretty stressful job. long hours and a family to take care of. I usually felt pretty happy though and enjoyed my work, family and social life, but for a long time I knew there was something wrong, I just didn't know what it was. About a year before my accident I was working a job that required me to drive about 130 miles a day and then work anywhere from 8-14 hours a day. Anyway to make a long story short I would get up in the morning to go to work after sleeping about 8 hours, and before I would get 20 miles from home I would be dozing off to sleep while driving and would continue to do so until I got to work. These were not isolated instances, this was an everyday routine. I really think that depression was a hidden factor even before I knew I had it. From what the original poster says I don't think he is in an angry state, but lots of depression mine included comes from a chemical imbalance in the brain. My dad had the same problem for years. He was alright until he went through open heart surgery, but soon after that experience he got to where he couldn't sleep and stayed angry/upset all of the time until he was put on medication and stayed on it for about 20 years or more. He too was content in his work, home life (currently been married to my mom 58 years) and social life. I don't know why, but lots of times some of the symptoms are there, but are not really triggered until the person goes through some traumatic situation. I have heard of several people experiencing the same problem my dad had after a major surgery such as heart, brain, or cancer.
Bourbon and aspirin work as good as 'happy pills', and they don't require a script...
That is one statement I disagree with 100%. After getting to the point where I couldn't go to sleep, I started drinking bourbon pretty heavily every night before bedtime, (after drinking only small amounts in the previous 15 years) trying to get enough sedative in my system to put me to sleep. Even that didn't put me to sleep. I remember 1 night in particular that I had enough to drink that I really should have passed out, but I went to bed couldn't go to sleep, took two over the counter sleeping pills and stayed awake all night, the next day, and the next night. That was what triggered me to get professional help.
From what the original poster says I don't think he is in an angry state, but lots of depression mine included comes from a chemical imbalance in the brain...
Dude, I shouldn't have said anything, but...
That's total B.S.!
What chemicals are out of balance in your brain, and what should the correct balance be?
And, do you *think* anti-depressants and pain killers are really going to correct that imbalance?!?!?
Man, you've bought it hook line n' sinker!
I wish I could drive you around for 4 hours...
.::B16A2 HX/Si Coupe | '98 HX shell with full '99 CiViC Si swap | 40+ MPG Listen to the people who fail. They know what they're talking about!