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Old 03-18-2019, 12:52 PM   #33 (permalink)
All Darc
Join Date: Feb 2018
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I agree. Avocados are great. Chlorophyll rich, good fats, vitamins...
People pay more for ice creams and couple coffee on street, and then come to complain about more people of a given generation eat avocado and don't drink beer.
The old silly stupid idea that a man is more man if drink.

Others complain about they are not John Wayne style, like they denunce bullying. But the world would be better without tough guys, without drunk guys.

The relevant complain I see it's about selfish and egocentrism. But this is the result of the parenthood they got. If they don't want marriage it's probably because their parents had terrible marriages and as result a bad influence over the kids.

In my country sadly alcohol abuse still rises among young people. Alcoholism among young women growth a lot, for example. Industry used/exploited women, promoting alcohol as female emancipation, just to get rich.
Equally bad for man... Homicides are direct connected with alcohol, since 50% of killers and 50% homicide victmis were drunk.

Originally Posted by Natalya View Post
I don't know why avocados on toast is a meme used to insult millennials.

When you go to the grocery store in the USA and you look at the avocado section you are probably buying a Hass Avocado. Hass avocados are grown in California, which is part of the USA, so they don't have to go through customs or some other dumb process to get here. Hass trees produce year-round, it's not particularly difficult to grow.

Avocados are high in healthy fats, low in carbs, and they have a few other vitamins in them. They also taste good. You should try a sandwich on a toasted roll//bun with avocado, tomato, a fried egg, and cheese. Add spicy mustard for bonus points.

They aren't even that expensive. A $ per avocado isn't a lot when you consider the nutritional quality and weight of the edible portion. And usually you can get them for cheaper than that.

Last edited by All Darc; 03-18-2019 at 01:05 PM..
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