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Calibration Procedure:
1. Fill up the fuel tank.
2. Set the ignition to the RUN position (Engine Off)
3. Press and hold the UP key to cause UltraGauge to recognize the fill-up
4. Zero the Average MPG. MENU --> Gauge/Page Menu .. --> Zero Ave MPG, G/H.
5. Exit the Menu system
6. Drive until it’s time for the next fuel fill-up.
7. At the next fuel fill-up, fill the fuel tank and note the number of gallons/liters used (pumped). (Always use the same fuel
station and the same fuel pump)
8. Set the ignition to the RUN position (engine off)
9. Press and hold the UP key to cause UltraGauge to recognize the fill-up
10. Select MENU --> Vehicle Setup.. --> Calibration.. --> Calibrate MPG/Fuel, and change the value displayed to the amount
of fuel recorded in step #7. Press MENU when complete to set and save the calibration.
11. Exit the Menu system the cal is complete