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Old 04-05-2019, 06:36 PM   #3370 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
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Yeah, thanks I agree, I wont be putting any plane into the air without a lot of taxying, testing, redundancy etc. I'm new to this EV stuff and trying to wrap my head around it before deciding on a final engine. It seems that the EMRAX 348, which is rated at ~400hp is a capable engine to lift a small plane. I likely wouldn't have to get much over half of its capability. So even though it has a peak of 1100 amps I may only shoot for 600-700 max, and then it's continuous is just over 500 amps. I like that I can build a reasonably low voltage battery pack(s) and still drive the propeller, directly, at its target 2500 rpm. I like that these PM motors are very durable and safe for this type of application. The thing is though AC motor controllers/inverters are very expensive, for a plane I'd want two for redundancy. If I could build my own controllers and get the RPM, torque, CCAs to drive the motor that would be a start. Then what would I need for range? An ICE? Some sort of other tech like Free Piston? How exactly do I connect a range extender or serially driven motor? Hmm, interesting ideas, need to do more research, I found the thread over at endless sphere, will be looking there also.
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