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Old 04-13-2019, 04:16 PM   #5587 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by freebeard View Post
This is in Nieuwegein, right?

I knew he would win as soon as I saw the Democratic opponent name-check Pepe the frog from the podium. Shadilay, remember?

For some reason, this morning Suspicious 0bservers pointed back to the February 2019 video on Fatal Flaw In Climate Change Science, with emphasis on the anti-pollution aspect.

Temperature is only one threat to our comfort and safety.
I watched for 4-minutes.
When he went to 1979,I lost interest.
The solar insolation data up to that time was off my an order of magnitude,and subsequent modelling wasn't accomplished with any data recorded before 1999.The early radiometers/data weren't accurate enough.
Up to 9-minutes,we're into space weather.Bear in mind that 'climate' is only 17-kilometers high.Other than what happens in the lower stratosphere,what happens above doesn't impact the tropopause,and on down to the Earth's surface.
Also,the ozone layer filters out quite a bit of the solar spectra arriving from space,allowing only certain bandwidths to penetrate,which are converted to long-wave infrared,then partially captured by greenhouse gases as they try and make it to space.
Byproducts of cosmic ray bombardment do affect cloud condensation nuclei and the stratospheric albedo,but this is accounted for in the climate models as well as water vapor.
Up to 25-minutes now and he's talking about space weather coupling to climate and so far,in the peer-reviewed science journals there's no mention of space weather having anything to do with climate other than what I've already mentioned.
Convection is responsible for the vertical mixing of the 17-km air column.A good supercell can punch upwards of 22-km,bringing a lot of energy with it.
I'll have to leave this here for another week,as Saturday is the only day a week that I have available audio.
Up to 30-minutes and solar insolation and medium-energy cosmic particles are responsible for climate change.
*Solar irradiance is not a function of sunspots.
*Not all insolation maxima lead to interglacials.
*Some prominant solar insolation peaks are associated with incomplete deglaciations.
*Entire 11-year sunspot cycles can pass with zero change to irradiance.
*Giles Harrison of Reading University researched cosmic-ray-cloud data for 50-years,over the UK,and found a small,but small correlation to climate.
*Light leaving the Sun can move 750-times faster than a solar flare or coronal mass ejection.A solar flare or CME cannot have an immediate affect on Earth.They can take over 4-days to reach Earth.
*Earth is shielded from most cosmic radiation by the solar-wind flow and Interplanetary Magnetic Field.
*Relatively little cosmic radiation reaches Earth's surface.
*Electron-type neutrinos transform to Muon-type neutrinos and go undetected unless with a Gallium detector.
*Tau-type neutrinos can transform to Muon-type,and go undetected unless by a Gallium type detector.
*Medium-energy electrons would never make it through the atmosphere.
*The atmosphere is completely opaque to X-ray radiation,it could never make it to the surface of Earth.
*The most important solar-Earth climate coupling goes unmentioned in the video.
*Space weather has very little to do with Climate,as it happens around 400-miles above the climate.
*There are 2.4-million -year solar cycles.
*There are two,1.2-million-year solar cycles
*There is a 100,000-year solar cycle
*There is a 96,000-year solar cycle
*There is a 41,000-year solar cycle
*There is a 23,000-year solar cycle
All of these need to be accounted for in the video.
At 32:3 we're at the global electric circuit and climate
*The Local Group circuit?
*The intergalactic circuit?
*The intragalactic circuit?
*The interplanetary circuit?
*The solar/Earth circuit?
*Solar 'fireflies'/Earth circuit?
*Fast Radio Burst circuit?
*Ultra-high-energy cosmic particle circuit?
*Gamma-ray radiation circuit?
Earth is affected by all of them.
At 36:50,solar irradiance is given as the overriding driver for climate change,whereas the National Academy of Science discounts all solar radiometric data sets recorded before 1994.labelled as deficient enough in accuracy such that they be excluded from models.
We didn't have space-based observations until 1978,and some of those radiometers data was so bad it couldn't be used without fudge factors.
At 37:2 the scientists are guilty of 'falsely modulating down' the impact of irradiance during solar maximums.
*Perhaps the fact has escaped the presenter,that during solar maximums,upper atmospheric photo-chemistry produces an increase in ozone,which blocks the increased ultraviolet radiation from reaching the ground where it would otherwise be converted to infrared,actually 'cooling' things.
Well,having completed this journey,I'd say that these people are free to think and say whatever they want.
I don't know how more dangerous they could be,and ignorant,and completely out of command of knowledge on the issue.
This is what you get when you stray from peer-reviewed scientific work,and enter the netherworld of untethered junk-science.
The most dangerous men in America.
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Last edited by aerohead; 04-17-2019 at 02:45 PM.. Reason: add data