Went for a walk the other day and ended up at WalMart. The place was packed with breeders, all but the very youngest sporting 3+ spawn. To avoid puking in the store I hurried outside, where I was greeted by a huge parking lot full of idling V8s. At that moment I had an epiphany. (Ironically enough, the local breeder church calls themselves epiphany church

) The epiphany is... well let me back up a bit. I know preaching about overpopulation and large carbon footprints and such falls on deaf ears unless one is already preaching to the choir. So to a large degree I resigned to simply set an example and hope somebody notices. But it is clear that globally, the message is barely even a blip on the radar, if not due to ignorance then by denial. Then I got slapped upside the head with it at WalMart. The epiphany is when only an insignificant portion of the population are clued in to the reality of now and the near future, their efforts are inadequate. Most live for the moment in a bubble that's very small and defined by how can one maximize their exploitation of everything right now.
I'm not going to start Duggaring- that ship has sailed- but I guess I can just as well become a slob to the limit of my economic ability to pay for it, as it makes no difference to anyone or anything except myself. Park the bicycle, drive the F150 empty for joyrides or two-blocks-away errands... like everyone else. Let it idle for hours on end- why risk exposure to ambient temps!

Crank the 'stat in the house and if it gets too warm, open a window!

Prepare tons of food and throw 1/2 of it away! Woot Woot!