Thread: Tesla Model 3
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Old 04-13-2019, 06:35 PM   #1088 (permalink)
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AmpedRealtor | June 24, 2013
Here is Elon Musk's actual quote from USA Today:

"We don't think anybody could put enough miles on to kill the (85 kwh) pack. That could turn out to be wrong, but we have half-a-million miles on one in the lab," says Tesla chief Elon Musk. "Even the 60 kwh customers will be able to take it well over 200,000 miles."

Tesla Shows off Model 3 Drive Unit After One Million Miles of Driving

I do not know how to reconcile this and the seven year-old Leaves with new batteries after 65,000 miles. Years are harder on battery packs than miles?

Edit: Hotels definitely have a VAT. We are staying in one tonight and the tax rate is over 14%.
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Last edited by Xist; 04-13-2019 at 06:44 PM..
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