OOPs... Its IDUs and not DIUs as I said...
The cost of the procedure to implant, pay the doctor, it's higher than the cost of the device itself. I don't think modern IDUs are abortive of early embryons.
Religion are freak, they think everyone will follow celibacy and it will save society from desiases.
The Vatican approved a birth controll pill. Yes, they did it... It's called aspirin. The women or girl just needs to hold the aspirin pill betwenn her kneers, and util she don't drop it she will not get pregnant. 100% effective and low cost.
Today society it's nearly the same freak as in the past. In the past who didn't follow church's rules, moralist rules, was not well saw. ntoday who dod not follow the erotic hedonist sexual culture dictated by media are not well saw.
IDUs do not protect against AIDS/SIDA and others.
I'm afraid there is some chance of black lower populational IQ be also genetic, despite a a good deal of it be cultural and educational. But like I said, it requires more research to know. And in a scenerio where science could proof it very clear, it could raise racism or turn dow self esteem of black people.
Culture it's very hard to change. Took many generations. In a near future genetic may get easier with CRISPR. I can't see how black culture could change, since they are prood of the bad side of it and left wing try to promote it, in the chape of rapp music, funk, street culture, and calls of biggot racism anyone who criticize it. Try to tell in public that blacks would be better if they stop use pot, stop to breed in early age without marriage or a fixed partner, ands stop to get away on street listening to funk and rap.
Blacks who don't follow such degrading culture, in black neighborshoods, are not well saw by other blacks. Most prefer a black with problems with law than a black who behave well and have good behavior and family values (union & education).
Leftwing wing is fighting for the right of blacks use pot, listen garbage, behave as crap, breed without responsability... They are fighting for the things that hurts more the blacks. Ironically... they help to keep blacks in disgrace.
Originally Posted by redpoint5
I could be in favor of taxpayer subsidized IUDs. There's a religious argument against it that could be made, which I can sympathize with even if I don't agree. Really the procedure should be allowed to be performed by trained/certified non-healthcare professionals to bring the cost down. Then it could be funded by donation. It should probably be a $50 total cost considering plastic and a tiny amount of copper costs nothing, and it shouldn't take long to actually place the device.
I'd hope most bad behavior is cultural and not genetic too, and I tend to think it is. Black culture used to have similar rates of 2-parent families as white folk despite institutional racism. That seems to suggest it isn't a genetic thing, but cultural, which is good because culture can change.
Racial differences in outcome don't interest me much because it's not the color of the skin that matters, but the individual circumstances. Not only that, but globalization will continue to mix genetics to the point that race isn't a clearly definable attribute. I mean, I don't know what I am, and I don't care. I'm 25% Japanese, and some mix of white people.