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Old 04-14-2019, 11:19 PM   #21 (permalink)
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For stupid people, alienated people, people created without discipline or care, birth control (pill and condoms) it's like tell a driver to do not drink before drive.
There are free condoms, but ignorant people don't care. If you don't incentive sterilize or incentive DIU, maybe by paying people to, people will still make sh...t.

I think the huge problem of black people (in general since there all great blacks and horrible whites too) is that they have a high incidence of poor parenthood, poor culture values , high violence and agressive culture (maybe due what they suffered during slavism), poor discipline, drugs and alcohol abuse. Their culture today it's the most relevant problem. Genetics may have some role, but it require more scientific investigation and also require find the genes related to violence and then find the incidence of such genes in the ethnic groups to compare.
If their genetics of population also have less incidence of genes related to intelligence, it may be another factor, since lower IQ have connections to high criminality. But also require more scientific investigation to find rhe genes and track such genes between ethnic groups.

My humanist side somewhow desire that genes have less difference than some scientist conjecture in terms of race difference for social problems. I really want that all the problems be just culture values. But I must also be rational and accept that we need science research to be able to tell it that's true or not, instead of judge just by my feelings.

Leftwing : "Kill that crap before it born."
Rightwing : "Kill that crap after it turn 18."

That's why I find right and left wing a crap.

Originally Posted by Fat Charlie View Post
All Darc- your sex revolution wouldn't be a problem without religions (and "religious" people) actively fighting the availability of birth control. It's funny how life is sacred until birth, then that life suddenly becomes a burden on society and the parents are horrible people. Allow (even fund?) birth control, and suddenly you don't have all this forced sterilization talk.

If you're written off by society as a burden from day one and your parents are demonized for having you, what stake do you have in society? You've been not simply abandoned, but actively pushed out... and then called a criminal. That's society's fault, not yours. The government and established religions called you their enemy from the day you were born and now are disappointed with how you turned out? I'm calling bull****.

Last edited by All Darc; 04-14-2019 at 11:25 PM..
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Old 04-15-2019, 02:48 AM   #22 (permalink)
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I could be in favor of taxpayer subsidized IUDs. There's a religious argument against it that could be made, which I can sympathize with even if I don't agree. Really the procedure should be allowed to be performed by trained/certified non-healthcare professionals to bring the cost down. Then it could be funded by donation. It should probably be a $50 total cost considering plastic and a tiny amount of copper costs nothing, and it shouldn't take long to actually place the device.

I'd hope most bad behavior is cultural and not genetic too, and I tend to think it is. Black culture used to have similar rates of 2-parent families as white folk despite institutional racism. That seems to suggest it isn't a genetic thing, but cultural, which is good because culture can change.

Racial differences in outcome don't interest me much because it's not the color of the skin that matters, but the individual circumstances. Not only that, but globalization will continue to mix genetics to the point that race isn't a clearly definable attribute. I mean, I don't know what I am, and I don't care. I'm 25% Japanese, and some mix of white people.
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Last edited by redpoint5; 04-15-2019 at 02:57 AM..
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Old 04-15-2019, 04:06 AM   #23 (permalink)
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I think your assessment of the situation is correct. What are we to do?

My humanist side somewhow desire that genes have less difference than some scientist conjecture in terms of race difference for social problems. I really want that all the problems be just culture values. But I must also be rational and accept that we need science research to be able to tell it that's true or not, instead of judge just by my feelings.
In addition to Uncle Jordan, pay attention to R. Buckminster Fuller.
Think of it. We are blessed with technology that would be indescribable to our forefathers. We have the wherewithal, the know-it-all to feed everybody, clothe everybody, and give every human on Earth a chance. We know now what we could never have known before - that we now have the option for all humanity to make it successfully on this planet in this lifetime. Whether it is to be Utopia or Oblivion will be a touch-and-go relay race right up to the final moment.
Never forget that you are one of a kind. Never forget that if there weren't any need for you in all your uniqueness to be on this earth, you wouldn't be here in the first place.
In order to change an existing paradigm you do not struggle to try and change the problematic model. You create a new model and make the old one obsolete.
You cannot change how someone thinks, but you can give them a tool to use which will lead them to think differently.
If humanity does not opt for integrity we are through completely. It is absolutely touch and go. Each one of us could make the difference.
There's pages of this stuff! Of course, some of it is a little harder to live up to
You don't belong to you. You belong to the Universe and you're here to serve.
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The vector equilibrium is the true zero reference of the energetic mathematics. Zero pulsation in the vector equilibrium is the nearest approach we will ever know to eternity and god: the zero phase of conceptual integrity inherent in the positive and negative asymmetries that propagate the differentials of consciousness.
It seems that truth is progressive approximation in which the relative fraction of our spontaneously tolerated residual error constantly diminishes.
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Because much of what is in the published literature is nonsense,
and much of what isn’t nonsense is not in the scientific literature.
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Old 04-15-2019, 05:09 AM   #24 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by All Darc View Post
Well, even if I put the human ethic aspect by side for a second, your argument fails a bit, since the relatives of the minor shooted would sue the state and get money. And state's money is taxes payer's money.
When it comes to the human ethic aspect, I'd rather see a drug dealer's "soldier" die instead of a previously-normal teen who got fooled into thinking it would be cool to use drugs until they have an overdose, or someone who gets assaulted by a crackhead willing to rob in order to sustain its addiction. When it comes to the family setting a lawsuit against the state when the involvement of their relative with crime is proven, it's pointless.
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Old 04-15-2019, 11:53 AM   #25 (permalink)
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OOPs... Its IDUs and not DIUs as I said...
The cost of the procedure to implant, pay the doctor, it's higher than the cost of the device itself. I don't think modern IDUs are abortive of early embryons.

Religion are freak, they think everyone will follow celibacy and it will save society from desiases.
The Vatican approved a birth controll pill. Yes, they did it... It's called aspirin. The women or girl just needs to hold the aspirin pill betwenn her kneers, and util she don't drop it she will not get pregnant. 100% effective and low cost.

Today society it's nearly the same freak as in the past. In the past who didn't follow church's rules, moralist rules, was not well saw. ntoday who dod not follow the erotic hedonist sexual culture dictated by media are not well saw.
IDUs do not protect against AIDS/SIDA and others.

I'm afraid there is some chance of black lower populational IQ be also genetic, despite a a good deal of it be cultural and educational. But like I said, it requires more research to know. And in a scenerio where science could proof it very clear, it could raise racism or turn dow self esteem of black people.

Culture it's very hard to change. Took many generations. In a near future genetic may get easier with CRISPR. I can't see how black culture could change, since they are prood of the bad side of it and left wing try to promote it, in the chape of rapp music, funk, street culture, and calls of biggot racism anyone who criticize it. Try to tell in public that blacks would be better if they stop use pot, stop to breed in early age without marriage or a fixed partner, ands stop to get away on street listening to funk and rap.
Blacks who don't follow such degrading culture, in black neighborshoods, are not well saw by other blacks. Most prefer a black with problems with law than a black who behave well and have good behavior and family values (union & education).
Leftwing wing is fighting for the right of blacks use pot, listen garbage, behave as crap, breed without responsability... They are fighting for the things that hurts more the blacks. Ironically... they help to keep blacks in disgrace.

Originally Posted by redpoint5 View Post
I could be in favor of taxpayer subsidized IUDs. There's a religious argument against it that could be made, which I can sympathize with even if I don't agree. Really the procedure should be allowed to be performed by trained/certified non-healthcare professionals to bring the cost down. Then it could be funded by donation. It should probably be a $50 total cost considering plastic and a tiny amount of copper costs nothing, and it shouldn't take long to actually place the device.

I'd hope most bad behavior is cultural and not genetic too, and I tend to think it is. Black culture used to have similar rates of 2-parent families as white folk despite institutional racism. That seems to suggest it isn't a genetic thing, but cultural, which is good because culture can change.

Racial differences in outcome don't interest me much because it's not the color of the skin that matters, but the individual circumstances. Not only that, but globalization will continue to mix genetics to the point that race isn't a clearly definable attribute. I mean, I don't know what I am, and I don't care. I'm 25% Japanese, and some mix of white people.

Last edited by All Darc; 04-15-2019 at 12:08 PM..
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Old 04-15-2019, 12:03 PM   #26 (permalink)
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Violent very criminals should be put dow. And also do not breed. But underage... ?? What is the age limit to you think it's wrong to kill anyone carrying a rifle at a favela ???

But society also have responsability. The sh...t heads who buy drugs knows perfectly well he is financing the drug dealer and all the murders involved. Most drug users are not innocent people seducted by bad influence. They kew all these things when they started using drugs.
Most drug users are not poor from favelas, but medium class, university students.

Society is caothic, a piece of garbage. People don't have character today, but are in generral hedonist fools without conscince or who jsut don't care about use consciene. Take the people on Rio de Janeiro, and how reversed are their values. Many or maybe most prefer crap citizens than right citizens. Today a lot fight for right to use drugs and heavy drugs, and even make apology to it.

So your plan requires a Tzar bomb, and not jus snipers.

Originally Posted by cRiPpLe_rOoStEr View Post
When it comes to the human ethic aspect, I'd rather see a drug dealer's "soldier" die instead of a previously-normal teen who got fooled into thinking it would be cool to use drugs until they have an overdose, or someone who gets assaulted by a crackhead willing to rob in order to sustain its addiction. When it comes to the family setting a lawsuit against the state when the involvement of their relative with crime is proven, it's pointless.

Last edited by All Darc; 04-15-2019 at 04:08 PM..
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Old 04-15-2019, 12:36 PM   #27 (permalink)
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Technology it's something created by a few, in general the best people for a gift, a minority, in a moment of window or moment of intelligence in a a given theme.

The world it's still very irrational, under domain of animal instinct greed and ignorance. Technology don't represent humanity. Most people are like a monkey driving George Jetson's flying car.

Humanity is destroying the world for greed. Wars and religion keep people in ignorance. Even people with a gift for technology can be very irrational in other themes.

Originally Posted by freebeard View Post
I think your assessment of the situation is correct. What are we to do?

In addition to Uncle Jordan, pay attention to R. Buckminster Fuller.

There's pages of this stuff! Of course, some of it is a little harder to live up to

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Old 04-15-2019, 12:46 PM   #28 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by All Darc
OOPs... Its IDUs and not DIUs as I said...
Intrauterine Device. redpoint5 got it right. Three letter for two words.
The Vatican approved a birth controll pill.... 100% effective and low cost.
The first time I heard that was in the 1950s.
Violent very criminals should be put dow. And also do not breed. But underage... ?? What is the age limit to you think it's wrong to kill anyone carrying a rifle at a favela ???
To reverse another saying from that era "If they're old enough to breed, they're old enough to bleed." However, I'm against the capital punishment, so an heroic dose of LSD instead of a bullet.
Society is caothic, a piece of garbage.
Interesting neologism. Chaotic Catholicism?
Without freedom of speech we wouldn't know who all the idiots are. -- anonymous poster

Because much of what is in the published literature is nonsense,
and much of what isn’t nonsense is not in the scientific literature.
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Old 04-15-2019, 12:55 PM   #29 (permalink)
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The smartest among us are still infinitely ignorant. There's not a person in the world that knows from beginning to end how to make the simplest object. Take a pencil for instance. The materials have to be mined and harvested, and we use machinery to do so. Who knows how to dig up minerals from the earth, turn it into mining equipment, build engines, extract and distill fossil fuels, etc, etc.

Specialization has allowed us to accomplish what is impossible from general knowledge, and allows relatively unskilled people to contribute. I thought about this at my last job working at a silicon wafer plant. Nobody there knows how to do everything to make a silicon wafer, yet bags of polycrystalline silicon rocks go in one end of the building, and computer grade silicon wafers come out the other end.
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Old 04-15-2019, 02:55 PM   #30 (permalink)
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There is a channel on YouTube where a guy shows how to make things from scratch. It takes him months and thousands of dollars.

He usually fails.

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