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Old 04-15-2019, 09:04 PM   #9 (permalink)
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I paid something like $70 last year after doing everything with six different sites to see who did the best job.

This year I used TurboTax Free and paid fewer taxes.

I wanted to see if tax revenue was up or down compared to last year. I found this instead:
The OMB estimates GDP will increase by 3.1% in FY 2020. That's higher than the ideal growth rate.

Revenues would be much higher without the Trump tax plan. It was also lowered by the extension of the Bush tax cuts and the Obama tax cuts.
The next page shows tax revenue per year. Every year has brought in more taxes since 2009, with 2013 having the biggest increase of $320 billion and 2018 only expanding $10 billion.

They say the economy is strong and we should increase taxes to pay off the deficit before the next recession, when we should cut taxes to stimulate growth, except the last time people paid off debt instead of spending.

How dare they?!

So, we collected fewer taxes because people paid off debts?

Are we discussing taxes in three different threads?
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