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Old 04-19-2019, 12:58 PM   #5652 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by RedDevil
That's what I call 'seeing other people's horizons of perception'.
Their Overton Window. Someone made a PSA that says 'see a Nazi, punch a Nazi', that contains the assertion "The Overton Window needs enforcement."

A total inversion of the concept.

Originally Posted by sendler
Complicated creatures we are. I have repeatedly presented the link to the Hagens lecture to at least 200 people. It is seemingly complex at first so most people that actually do start to view it get uptight and switch to something else more immediately entertaining.
I like the way Scott Adams distinguishes facts and persuasion. We're seeing a good example with the Mueller report. The result didn't change any minds.

He says people (absent direct knowledge) will believe the last person they listened to.
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