The trick to a work vehicle is the relation between AVERAGE mpg and mph.
The latter fairly well predicts the former. Above 26-mph is where things get good.
A journal for fuel that shows all that’s important is how I worked mine. Engine hours per re-fill, dates, distance, averages, etc.
An engines life is pretty much HOW MANY GALLONS? Not miles or hours.
So, where to park and how to park it. “Nose-in” not acceptable ever. Not for safety or FE. Etc.
When at supply house, shortest amount of time stuck there, etc. MAPQUEST Best Order Routing.
Our company has one as a run around. Not bad to drive. Takes right foot awhile to learn what it likes (big truck REALLY long to learn now).
The money is always the highest average MPH, and in never using brakes.
Last edited by slowmover; 04-27-2019 at 06:05 AM..