Originally Posted by ME_Andy
The Dodge had three seats removed to make it lighter. Maybe it is slightly faster than the full-size luxury Tesla with all seats present. Like you guys, I don't really care. Roadster v2 does 0-60 in 1.9s but it isn't in production yet.
Surprised nobody has commented about the video of autopilot on a winding neighborhood road. Now there's something that will change lives.
1. The Dodge come standard with 1 seat. The others are optional
2. No Tesla is a luxury car. This about sums it up:
As to the "autopilot" - They have a much different idea of a "worst case" road then I do. I see a typical suburban road with some mild bends and a very well marked center line. That is a best case road where I live.
FSD will change lives and end some lives when it tries to hand back control to someone asleep at the wheel. That is the problem with trying to pass off Level 2 autonomous driving as "Full Self Driving".