Originally Posted by Vman455
I agree with everything you said. But--what are my options here (as an individual)? Sure, vote; but of the half of us who are eligible to vote and actually get off the couch and do it, half think one thing and the other half another, and the politicians in power stay, by and large, in power. Tar and feathers, sure, or armed insurrection--but then I'll be arrested, prosecuted, and never heard from again if I'm not shot by the police to begin with. Since I have a vested interest in remaining alive, I'm not keen on that unless things get really, really bad and it becomes an attractive alternative.
I feel like smiling is just the coping mechanism most people have landed on.
Pretty much lol
We are too poor to have a voice. I like being alive as well so I just roll with it and have learned to expect not much usefullness from the government. I guess what keeps me going is how much worse it could be if I lived in the socialist republic of europe,