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Old 05-15-2019, 01:34 PM   #69 (permalink)
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Didn't like the vid as it contained no facts and no new ideas, plus she's just plainly wrong about autonomous vehicles being safer as there is no data to support that claim.

I've avoided collisions where someone moved into my lane twice in the last 2 years by driving extremely close to the median barrier. That requires the decision to leave my lane, which is something I doubt autonomous systems do yet.

Tesla hits parked trucks and tries to split lanes by driving through the dividing barrier.

We're a long way from autonomous vehicles... like 8 years minimum, and probably more like 15. We'll get some limited routes and examples of the tech sooner, but as far as being able to purchase a vehicle that can travel 99% of the roads in the US unassisted... 15 years.
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Give me absolute safety, or give me death!
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