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Old 05-20-2019, 02:35 PM   #75 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by redpoint5 View Post
I didn't say corporations should be subsidized, I said they should have low and possibly zero corporate taxes.

It seems you have some vendetta against "corporations", the source of which is unclear to me. Even if you do, punishing them at the expense of the economy is foolish.).
My point is they already do and in some cases are going into negative liability, yet no real benefit is coming from this long term policy

If it’s a failed policy double down? Money in the pocket doesn’t go anywhere to build anything.

If corporations have paid no income tax for decades why mention lowering their taxes? why is it a discussion point when it’s already been fact forever?
Not paying taxes is current state but more are exiting the workforce anyway what else is left on the table?

And further, why blame the operator?
The economic issues in this country are usually blamed on the poor earning $250,000 a year or less, why protect a corporate interest like its above reproach?
The reality is those earning income are primarily reactive and have no real influence on the economy, they mearly follow trends as mindlessly as bees go to honey.
Their ability to produce useful gainful products on their own is eroding.
The ideal of the self made person is moving to a fantasy.
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