I have started my packing for the trip already, can't wait anymore getting excited. I have the route I want to take programmed in GPS. Making my list and checking it twice. I am hoping to arrive about 8:30-9 Friday night at the campgrounds, have to wait for son to get out of school. (Might have him taken out a little early though, don't like setting up in the dark)
It is 217 miles one way, which the GPS puts me at 4hrs. 11min. Which will probably take me closer to 5.

I am avoiding the toll road which would save some time but not to friendly for a slow travelling Metro. (My wife said I drive like a Grandpa, so I must be doing something right) I am hoping to have my MpGuino built by then, waiting on 2 parts the rest is soldered and ready to go. Crossing Fingers, and wrote Santa for a little help too.
What day is everyone else pulling in? I will be there all weekend camping, fishing, snoring in my chair. Will be great to just sit back and relax (pretend I am retired)
P.S. JM do you need anything else that you can think of dishes, cups, silverware, napkins, anything. Let us know so we can pitch in on this. That is alot for one person to buy for all of this.