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Old 06-02-2019, 01:19 AM   #55 (permalink)
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But a early stage abortion it's not, since you are terminating a life that have no sentience yet.
The question isn't so much sentience, that 's a ways down the road (teenagers?). But I agree that 'life' as a sovereign entity cannot be supported from conception.

A month or less is pretty hard core. I'd be in favor of 42 days. I have a friend that says I have no standing to talk about childbirth, but i contend that I can have an opinion on when life starts because I am alive.

42 days is when the fetus's brain is flooded with DMT, and I figure that if DMT can take you consciousness out of your body, maybe in can usher it in to begin with.

I read once that the Catholic church used to say (like in medieval times) 42 days, but [citation needed].
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