Originally Posted by MetroMPG
My car's engine burns 0.5 litres per hour, fully warmed up @ idle, according to the ScanGauge. That's for a 1.0 L, 3-cyl.
According to my VAGCOM, my TDi burns .5 liters per hour @ idle when cold. Never checked it hot. That's for a 1.9 liter, 4 cylinder turbocharged, direct injection diesel.
The manual that came with the 8-cyl Cat 3208 in my motor home (1300 lbs and 610 cubic inches of the finest Detroit cast iron...
) says it burns 1 gallon per hour at idle.
Best tank ever: 72.1 mpg in February 2005, Seattle to S.F.
New personnal best 'all-city' tank June '08 ... 61.9 mpg!
Thanks to 'pulse-n-glide' technique.