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Old 07-13-2019, 09:50 AM   #1 (permalink)
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How do I remove Gorilla Tape?!

Does this technically go in the How-to section?

I know that many of you have used duct tape on your car, but I doubt that would last long-term. My heater did not work when I was driving from Page to Show Low, which only mattered when I drove through a snowstorm in Flagstaff.

Who needs a heater if there is not a snowstorm?

I made a grill block with marine plastic and I doubt it survived its maiden voyage, although that would have been a five-hour drive.

So, I turned to Gorilla Tape.

It seemed like a good idea at the time!

For a while I was surprised at how long it lasted. At some point I just accepted that it was permanent. If I ever caught up with my projects and finances I could try to figure out how to remove it and make a nice grill block, but at some point I accepted that being behind on projects and finances is permanent.

Then I drove to Phoenix for, as I mentioned elsewhere, a work trip that may never pay for itself.

You know how we say that the factory grill opening is designed for a vehicle driving uphill through Death Valley and pulling a trailer?

Well, I ended up driving 45 in a 55, and running my heater. I need to see if the dollar store has a cheap thermometer because adding engine heat to a solar oven has to make a difference.

Maybe just put cookie dough on a cookie tray?

Can I secure that to the dash?

I looked into removing Gorilla Tape before and did not get anywhere. All that I see now is how to remove the residue.

What did they do wrong that the Gorilla Tape ever came off? I am not worried about peeling off Gorilla Tape and leaving residue.

I am worried about removing the paint!

I finally found one solution!

1. Remove the bumper.
2. Soak it in lighter fluid.
3. If necessary set it on fire.

The guys at work were kind enough to explain how airflow and engine cooling work--after I asked how to remove Gorilla Tape.

One mentioned slitting the tape with a utility knife, which might be all that I need. Then once I leave civilization for places with civilized weather, just patch it with Eternal Tape.

Have any of you successfully removed Gorilla Tape [and its residue?]

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