I'm pretty sure module 13 of the Camry battery is the one that leaked. I used my RC charger to measure the IR of all the Camry's modules and they were all ~30ohm except for 13 at 55ohm. 13 is on the right of the picture, 12 is on the left.
This is the mounting hole for 13. It looks like someone bent it back into place, maybe when it was refurbished while the dealer had it before we bought it. The battery had definitely been worked on recently; some of the trunk panels weren't replaced correctly and the hardware like the bus bars didn't have much corrosion. None of the modules were numbered or marked like I've seen in most pics and videos, I wonder if they just cleaned the connections and maybe did some charge/discharges instead of replacing any modules. We've put close to 3k miles on it since buying it in March and it currently has 205k miles.