Originally Posted by California98Civic
Reasons to love an 06, 6MT, V6 Accord! Hey, that's 666!
Yeah...I don't like calling my car the 666..
Originally Posted by 19bonestock88
How badly do you run into wheelspin with the J30 and 205 tires? I half considered a TL-S for a newer daily/Uber-wagen, and while I know the J32 is a little more potent I figure the experience from a J30 Accord would be relevant...
When I first got the car, it had some craptastic Aptera Eagle 215s that would spin in 2nd in the wet just from flooring it. My current 205 bridgestone Ecopias grip surprisingly well. I figure that is due to how soft they are. In the wet they are hopeless if you are aggressive, but will not spin into second if you shift gently. This car will spin into second in the dry with an aggressive shift. Full throttle in 1st + wet = lots of rev limiter
Turning and accelerating hard will also make it spin, cause open differential..
If i'm idling along at 4 mph in first and floor it, it will not break traction(dry). I believe the car will not go full throttle until 20 mph(electronic throttle). On the street, launching above 1500 RPM will spin, and at the drag strip launching above 2000 RPM will spin.
Here it is at the drag strip. Ultimately, if performance and traction is the goal, 225s would be a good choice for the J30.