This sounds almost about animal kingdom, where a animal respect the other by the power or force they have.
Unfortunately most people are animals, not really civilized, and just understand power in a way or another. Even than not psysical power, but other forms of power, like money, influence, leadership power, property or psychologic influence/imponence.
People complain about the world be violent, with wars, destruction, unjustice, but they forgot they are quite the same or worse. Most people would destroy the world very easily if they had power. The world it's just still stand because we have a thing, almost a science, called diplomacy, with the intention to save humanity from thenselves.
It will be no surprise if such animals (humans) in future became just pets of supercomputer machines with advanced artificial intelligence.
Originally Posted by Fat Charlie
It's more about respecting someone who respects themselves enough to have boundaries, and the sense and commitment enough to enforce them. If you're in a world where that's with fists, then that's what you get. Those worlds tend to be a little more clear cut, is all.