Originally Posted by All Darc
This sounds almost about animal kingdom, where a animal respect the other by the power or force they have.
Not necessarily; that's way too simplistic of a description of human behavior. The people in prison that I demanded respect from were way more powerful than me. Men mostly resolve conflict without force. I may not be able to defeat a guy much bigger than me, but I can wound him badly, and all that isn't worth the trouble when I'm simply telling the guy that he's going to stop f'n with my seat-belt and start showing the same respect I give him. His response was to say he's going to kill me, and that he'd have a pitchfork on our work assignment... but after that, he never said another word to me and generally avoided being around me. He wouldn't even sit on my footlocker after that; something that I never cared if anyone did.
There's a difference between escalating a situation and standing your ground.